Rabbits eat anything “green”

Wildkaninchen in der Wiese These little “cottontails” like to be sociable and therefore live in socially structured groups called colonies. Their habitat is diverse and is also located in open landscapes with hedges and bushes, at the edges of forests, in vineyards and in plant nurseries or cemeteries. You can also find rabbits in urban green areas.

One key thing they need to build their underground warrens is dry, loose soil that is as lightweight as possible. Warrens are normally only 30/40 metres away from their feeding grounds. Rabbits have short flight distances and rely on short sprints to their warrens to escape predators.

Rabbits eat anything “green”: grasses, grain (seeds), softwoods, vines, fruit trees. The damage to crop plants can be considerable. In agriculture, this isb often visible at a large scale along the edges of fields. Biting and peeling damage to trees and shrubs can be considerable. Rooting also leads to damage, sometimes only as a late consequence. Especially in vineyards (a special crop in most German Federal States), holes in the ground can cause damage to work equipment. And in cattle pastures, for example, cattle can injure themselves when stepping into holes.

Damage cause by wild rabbits is subject to compensation in Germany in accordance with the Federal Hunting Act. An AKO net fence is recommended as an effective defensive measure. It should be 65 cm high. The horizontal current conduction is achieved with 3 x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductors per wire. The extra small mesh size of 5.9 cm should ensure the highest level of safety. The fence elements are quick and easy to connect with Litzclip®.

Wild rabbit defence fence

Wild rabbit defence fence
  1. Rabbit net 5.9 cm mesh size 
  2. Fence connection cable with alligator clips
  3. Warning sign
  4. Blue signal tape
  5. Signal light

The AKO battery unit Mobil Power Savanne 2000 is ideal for supplying power,
and it also comes with a galvanised metal box. The 12 volt device has a high output power and is suitable for normal fencing systems, even those with heavier vegetation. Solar operation is possible.

An additional protection against undermining can be achieved if the net is laid flat on the ground around 20 cm to the outside. The fold should be weighted down with soil or stones.
In very problematic cases, the net fence should be dug down around 20 to 30 cm. This increases the complexity, as then the electrical voltage must be ensured via an additional wired defence fence. AKO Premium SX wire affixed on the lower three eyelets of 156 cm high solid plastic posts with steel tips is very suitable. In general – as for any other electric fence – the yellow AKO “Caution – electric fence” warning signs must be attached, preferably in numerous places.

An electric fence that is carefully constructed, maintained and regularly checked for tending safety is a supplementary measure for the reduction of damage even in the case of wild rabbits. Hunting is unavoidable for keeping the numbers under control.

Please note:
uneven terrain must be taken into account. If the distance from the ground is too large, the rabbits will slip under the fence.

“After talking to those concerned, we have found that an electric fence helps to prevent damage caused by wild rabbits. But only a combination of intensive hunting in autumn and winter and setting up an electric fence is truly effective. Regular checking for undermining or jumping between two posts is important. An earthing wire between the net and the uppermost tape is a good supporting measure. This means that any rabbits jumping over it receive earthing contact.”

AXEL SEIDEMANN –hunts professionally, including rabbits in parks, gardens and industrial complexes, author on small game