Red Deer cause damage to crops

Große Rotwild Hirsche stehen in einem Feld Red deer live in distinctive social structures. They often form large herds, especially in their main living areas with suitable habitats and in places where wolves now occur more frequently. Whether its a family group or large herd – damage to crops caused by red deer is very annoying for landowners and hunting practitioners.

Damage like this can be successfully reduced and often even completely avoided using a properly installed electric fence. We recommend using a powerful 12 V AKO fence device that guarantees a fence voltage of around 4000 to 5000 volts. The pulse energy must be over 1 Joule up to about 5 Joules.

Excellent grounding is a basic prerequisite for the effectiveness of any electric fence. A red deer defence fence should measure 1.6 to 1.8 m in height. A wooden post should be sunk at the corners of the field and, depending on the fence length, halfway along each side of the field, to which
insulators are screwed. Plastic posts with integrated wire eyelets are installed in between (depending on the terrain) at intervals of 7 to 8 metres depending on the height of the fence.

Red deer defence fence

Red deer defence fence
  1. White-blue TopLine Plus fence wire 
  2. Blue TopLine Plus fence tape 
  3. Blue signal tape
  4. Aluminium strips or rags
  5. Fence connection cable with alligator clips  
  6. Signal light
  7. Warning sign
  8. Insulators

Similar to livestock farming, one or two wires are usually enough to deter red deer. The wires are tensioned on the wooden posts, whereas they only need to be inserted into the eyelets of the plastic posts.
the electric fence or wire must be easily recognisable as an obstacle for the wild animals. It is best to use a blue TopLine Plus fence tape. With two tensioned wires, the upper should be the blue fence tape, whereas TopLine Plus polywire is ideal for the lower one.
Our tip:
where there is a lot of wildlife, hang blue signal tapes made of plastic or reflective and noisy aluminium foil strips, or even just rags, on the fence tape or wire at regular intervals. This will make the fence even more visible
to the deer. And it's worth the effort!

Please note:

If there are also wild boars present alongside the red deer in the area, we advise installing more wires at 20 to 25 cm above the ground, then 50 cm and 160 to 180 cm at the top. Please read our recommendations on wild boar defence fences for more information.

“I have the most success in deterring red deer and fallow deer when I add a classic rag fence to the electric fence. This means that sometimes, the wire at 180 cm can be left off. In my experience, it takes several months until the red deer get used to the rag fence. If you are not using a rag fence, the top wire should at least be easily visible.”

AREA HUNT MASTER HENRIK WILLMANN – professional hunter and forester in a private forestry estate