Well presented with our shelf systems!

We are specialists in shop and module presentation. Our modular system is your best advisor! Informative and well-arranged product presentation makes choosing a lot easier. From standard shelves to completely individuelly designed shop equipments - we are very happy to help.

• products in promotional packaging • shelf labelling • displays • ceiling hanger • banner • catalogue and flysheet displays • etc.
Beispiel für ein AKO Modul, Stand 2012.

Geräteschilder zur Befestigung am Modul mit erweiterten Informationen zu AKO Geräten.
Information - Fencing Units
Useful product information for better choosing the right fencing unit is directly at the shelf: Technical details, a short description and comprehensible symbols regarding vegetation and fence length.

Beispiel für eine Blisterverpackung in neuer AKO Aufmachung.
Sales Promoting Packaging
The sales promoting transparent blister packaging makes the most of every shelf inch. The whole shelf unit impresses by its tidiness and clear structure. The label provides the product’s most important information about type, quantity and use.

Katalogständer zur Präsentation der AKO Kataloge am Modul.
An integrated display for catalogues made of stable grade wire grating for direct shelf attachment is the ideal place for AKO catalogues: easy to take from, always where needed and quick to find.

AKO Isolatoren-Baum
Insulator Tree
At the insulator tree there are the most important insulators with labelling and order information. The most important thing, however, is that the samples can be touched and examined according to their functionality and quality.
Are you interested? Please give us a call (Tel. +49 (0) 8086 933 105) or write us an e-mail and we call you back!