AKO EasyNet

Sheep netting with ground separation - perfect conductivity even with heavy vegetation.

with reinforced black vertical bars, spacing 90 cm

Ref. no.Ground spikeLengthHeightColourQty postsMatching replacement postPUPallet
27200Single prong50 m105 cmyellow / black15272011140 PAL40 PAL
Ref. no.DescriptionGround spikeColourMaterialPost heightPU
44428Spare Insulator for Oval Steel Post blackPlastic 1/25/1000
27201Spare PostSingle prongyellowfibreglass105 cm1/50

  • extremely stable and resistant fibreglass posts
  • easy handling due to light weight

Preview imageItem. No.Description27200
 27321ground holder/flexinetx
Wire connector Litzclip, up to442003/101Wire connector Litzclip, up tox
 27201Spare post for EasyNetx