PREMIUM posts for Sheep/Wolf Nets

AKO TitanNet Premium

Our „classic“ from the TitanNet series in a new design and with the new patented PREMIUM posts.

In order to meet the premium demands of professional sheep farmers, we have equipped our proven TitanNet with the new PREMIUM posts and relaunched them with a high-contrast colour scheme. The close-meshed net guarantees maximum guarding safety even on uneven terrain by using rigid plastic struts in the vertical instead of soft wire material. These are permanently linked at intervals of 30 cm with the horizontal wires, ensuring stability even on hilly and uneven terrain.

  • Height 90 cm (9 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (10 horizontal wires), each available with single or double prong
  • 14 extremely robust and stable PREMIUM posts with galvanised ground tip
  • extremely stable welded knots
  • strengthened, energized upper poly wire - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and a tin-plated copper wire
  • new colour combination for better visibility for animals and humans
  • we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic poly wires
Bild Litzclip Verbinder
Easy and fast repairs
with our new
Litzclip® connectors.
Grafik Vergleich Premium Fiberglas Pfahl zu Standard Pfahl
Grafik über Zaun und Pfahlhöhen bei Schafsnetzen
Grafik über Zaun und Pfahlhöhen bei Schafsnetzen

AKO TitanNet Premium Plus

Our „all-rounder“ from the TitanNet series with the new patented PREMIUM posts.

Equipped with the new PREMIUM net posts, we combine in this new net the proven strengths of our TitanNet sheep nets with versatile connection options for professional use in sheep rearing. Vertically, rigid plastic struts are used instead of the soft wire material. These are permanently linked at intervals of 30 cm with the horizontal wires, ensuring a compact structure even on hilly and uneven terrain.

  • height 90 cm (7 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (8 horizontal wires)
  • 14 extremely robust and stable PREMIUM posts with galvanised ground tip
  • extremely stable welded knots
  • strengthened, energized upper poly wire - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and a tin-plated copper wire
  • we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic poly wires
  • optionally connectable, reinforced grounding poly wire for earthing along the whole length of the net under difficult ground conditions (e.g. very sandy or dry soils)
  • in addition, the 2nd poly wire above the ground is fitted with a separate stainless steel connection terminal, and can therefore be used flexibly
  • particularly good visibility due to the colour combination of blue/white - ideal for use when defending against wild animals and wolves
  • 16 stainless steel conductors combined with thick PE threads in the grounding poly wire prevent browsing by game
Litzclip Verbinder für Schafsnetze
Easy and fast repairs
with our new 
Litzclip® connectors.

‘I've been keeping sheep for about 25 years, full-time for about 20 years. I've also been using a wide variety of electronic nets for that long. We have been using around 100 AKO Titan PremiumPlus nets with double spikes for around 3 years. I have to say that this is the most stable and stable net we have ever used.’

Professional shepherd Jan Tüllmann


AKO TitanNet Premium Vario

Our versatile wolf defence net from the TitanNet series with the new patented PREMIUM posts!

We have worked with experts in the field of wolf defence to completely revise our wolf net, finding you the perfect compromise between user-friendliness and effective herd protection. The new, innovative and highly robust PREMIUM posts give the net maximum stability and sturdiness. In addition to the greatest possible guarding security, special attention was paid to the defence against intruders from outside with this net. The special +/- principle makes the TitanNet Premium Vario our most versatile net and you can adapt it to suit your own individual situation. The vertical struts, tried and true for many years, provide a sturdy hold even on hilly and uneven terrain.

  • height 108 cm (8 horizontal wires) or 122 cm (9 horizontal wires), each available with single or double prong
  • 14 extremely robust and stable PREMIUM posts with galvanised ground tip
  • extremely stable welded knots
  • strengthened, energized upper poly wire
  • Horizontal current conduction with 3 x 0.30 mm TriCOND conductors per poly wire - very good conductivity and long durability
  • optionally connectable, reinforced grounding poly wire for earthing along the whole length of the net under difficult ground conditions (e.g. very sandy or dry soils)
  • improved footing and optimal terrain adaptation thanks to stable vertical struts every 30 cm
  • we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic poly wires
Litzclip Verbinder
Easy and fast repairs
with our new 
Litzclip® connectors.
+/- principle – more intensive pulses for maximum security.
In plus/minus fence systems, the conductors are connected alternately to the fence terminal (+) and the earth terminal (-) of your electric fence unit via conductor bundling clips. The resulting earth wires intensify the electric shock to the animal even in difficult ground conditions, such as dry, sandy or snow-covered ground.
TriCOND conductor wires are 5 times more conductive than standard stainless steel wires of the same diameter, and therefore provide maximum security – even over long stretches. The special coating on these wires makes the material more robust and ensures long durability.
Connection options:
  • PLUS net
  • PLUS net with earthing via the grounding wire
    - improved grounding for dry soils
    - strong electric shock when the grounding wire and the conductive wire above it are contacted simultaneously during an attempt to
    burrow underneath
TriCOND Leiterdrähte Bild

AKO OviNet Premium

Our „top-seller“ now also with the new patented PREMIUM posts.

Proven quality with a PREMIUM character - that‘s what our new OviNet Premium with the new PREMIUM posts stands for. This net can be used universally and, thanks to the narrow meshes in the lower area, offers the best guarding safety not only for sheep and goats, but also for lambs, dogs, etc. The new PREMIUM posts ensure an even better and safer stand and defy even the most adverse weather conditions. Due to the optimised mesh spacing, the weight has been reduced, thus enabling even more convenient handling when assembling and dismantling the net.

  • height 90 cm (8 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (9 horizontal wires), each available with single or double prong
  • 14 extremely robust and stable PREMIUM posts with galvanised ground tip
  • extremely stable welded knots
  • strengthened, energized upper poly wire - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and a tin-plated copper wire
  • we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic poly wires
Reparatursets für Litzclip Verbinder für Schafsnetze
Simple and fast repairs
due to our 
Litzclip® Repair Set.