Viele interessierte Besucher im Logistikzentrum von AKO Agrartechnik beim Tag der offenen Tür

Open day at AKO Agrartechnik in Wangen a great success

Wangen, 20 October 2023 - AKO Agrartechnik opened its doors today for an open day as part of the "Perspective Experience Economy" event and gave visitors an exclusive insight into AKO-Agrartechnik's products, processes, and technologies. The topic of "Economy" was turned into an experience with exciting hands-on activities for children, young people, and adults, as described in the press release from the Ravensburg District Economic Development Agency.
Ein Mitarbeiter von AKO erklärt Besuchern seine Tätigkeit in seiner Abteilung The company was able to successfully present itself during the day of the event and proudly introduce itself to the curious visitors. The guests had the opportunity to take a tour of the impressive company building and see the production of "Made in Germany" labelled fencing equipment in action.
Geschäftsführer von AKO, Markus Öxle, präsentiert den Gästen die Firma AKO Dedicated AKO employees were on hand at the various stations of the tour to give interested visitors an insight into the different departments of the company. From production to logistics, AKO employees provided expert information and were available to answer questions.

The Managing Director of AKO Agrartechnik, Markus Öxle, presents the company.
Außengelände von AKO mit Hühnern und mobilem Hühnerstall Mobile Coop The managing directors of the participating companies were present and were impressed by AKO's innovations and commitment. The mayor of Amtzell, Mrs. Oswald (in green), and members of the local council were also among the guests and recognised the importance of companies such as AKO for the local economy.

There was also plenty for visitors to see in the outdoor area. The innovative Mobile Coop chicken coop with free-range chickens and a special poultry net from AKO.
AKO Firmengelände am Abend in stimmungsvoller Beleuchtung The open day at AKO Agrartechnik was therefore not only an opportunity for the company to present itself and the training and career opportunities at AKO, but also a platform for an intensive exchange between the company and the community. AKO Agrartechnik thus set an example of transparency and openness and consolidated its role as an innovative player in the agricultural technology sector.

Especially in the evening, AKO's company premises offered a beautiful sight with atmospheric lighting.
The employees of AKO are delighted with a successful open day and would like to thank all visitors for their keen interest.
AKO Mitarbeiter im Lager in Wangen