What's behind the technical terms?

Symbol für Erdung
The earth is an important part of the power circuit. To ensure the current can flow from the earth back to the unit unhindered, the earth rod must have the best possible contact with the soil (dry earth barely conducts electricity). Therefore, when inserting the earth rod, choose damp places where possible, or choose earth rods that are sufficiently long to reach deeper, damp layers of earth.

Symbol für Hütespannung
Symbol für Impulsenergie
Shock voltage and pulse energy
The peak of an electric pulse generated by an electric fence unit is known as shock voltage. A high voltage is needed to create a conductive ‘channel’ between the fence wire and the animal’s body. The minimum voltage is around 2500 V. For animals with a thick coat, we recommend 4000 V minimum. The current (pulse energy) can now flow through this ‘channel’. Therefore, the shock effect depends on the amount of pulse energy (voltage itself does not hurt!). The more insensitive the animal is, the greater the energy needed to secure or scare it. The demand for pulse energy also increases with the length of the fence and its load (e.g. vegetation). The more energy a unit emits, the higher its energy consumption. We therefore advise care when choosing your pulse energy, especially with battery-powered units.

Symbol für Zaundrahtwiderstand
Fence Resistance
as well as sufficient impulse energy, you also need highly conductive fence material to achieve the maximum shock possible and to make sure that there is minimum loss in the energy delivered to the animal, and no energy fade beforehand. The conductor resistance is a measure for assessing the fence material. It is specified in Ohm/meter. The smaller this value, the better the material conducts. The longer the fence, the better must be the conductivity of the chosen material. The best materials have a resistance < 1 Ω/m; poorer materials exceed 4 Ω/m. Investigations have shown that, in addition to very good conductivity, which is achieved mostly by copper wire, long-term durability (e.g. by means of stainless steel wires with poor conductivity) is decisive for the security of an electric fence. Here, our proven TriCOND material provides the necessary compromise, and is renowned for outstanding conductivity combined with extended durability.

Symbol für Kilometerangabe
What kilometre figures should you base your decision on?
Kilometre figures are often highly theoretical values that are based on the best possible conditions (wire conductivity, connections, insulation status, ground conditions, earthing) in the fence system. These conditions change constantly, however, due to the influences of weather. It is therefore important to achieve the minimum protective voltage of 2,500 Volt at each point of the fence system in all conditions.